Seminars are designed for the athlete looking to improve their overall performance on a specific movement set. The goal is to focus in on one movement or block of movements (either gymnastics or Olympic lifting) that are similar in nature and skill level. Some seminars have skill level requirements. We want to make sure the coach can devote their time to each of the 4-6 athletes in the group. Seminars are broken down into Levels 1, 2 & 3 to help athletes know which seminar to sign up for. Ask a coach if you are unsure which seminar level is right for you.

Level 1 Gymnastic Seminars
Arch + Hollow Positions
Ring Rows (false Grip)
Knee raises / TTB / Pull-ups
Level 2 Gymnastic Seminars – Must be Proficient in L1
Kipping C2B pull-ups
Butterfly Pull-ups
Level 3 Gymnastic Seminars – Must be Proficient in L1
Butterfly C2B

Olympic Lifting
Level 1 Olympic Lifting Seminars
Power Cleans
Push Jerks
Power Snatch
Level 2 Olympic Lifting Seminars
Squat Cleans
Split Jerks
Squat Snatch